Blackhall Primary School

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Blackhall Primary School, Middle Street, Blackhall Colliery, Hartlepool, TS27 4NA

0191 586 4049

Blackhall Primary School

Inspire, Enjoy, Achieve

"Staff are ambitious for all pupils at Blackhall Primary School." (Ofsted, March 2023)"Children in the early years get off to a strong start. Children settle into school quickly and enjoy their learning." (Ofsted, March 2023)"Pupils learn to read well." (Ofsted, March 2023) "There is a clear sense of belonging and relationships between adults and pupils are strong." (Ofsted, March 2023) "Pupils' successes are celebrated. They are proud of their achievements and enjoy learning with friends." (Ofsted, March 2023) "Playtimes are happy occasions." (Ofsted, March 2023)"There is a love of reading throughout the school.. Pupils cherish these reading sessions." (Ofsted, March 2023)


Welcome to our class page. Please explore it to find out information about what your children have been learning and how you can help them at home.


Our Adults

Class Teacher: Mrs Maguire

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Conner

How we Learn in Reception

At Blackhall Primary School, we believe that children learn best through play. Play is essential for a child’s development as we feel it enables them to build their confidence as they learn to explore, relate to others and set their own goals and solve problems. We offer a rich and varied Curriculum, in a safe but inviting environment, where children can lead their own play but also take part in play that is guided by adults. We understand that children develop at their own pace but with encouragement and positive interactions from adults, we hope children will achieve and reach their full potential with us.

Click here to see what we will be learning about this year.



All doors on the main school yard will be opened at 8:50am by a member of staff. Children can come into school anytime between 8:50am and 9am and walk straight into school where their teacher will be waiting for them in the classroom. Reception should use door 1 on the main school yard.




Autumn Term

Spring Term

Our Learning


Once the children have learnt all set 1 sounds from their Read, Write, Inc programme and are starting to blend, children will receive their first reading book. We encourage our children to read regularly at home and these books will be changed weekly.

Once the children are settled homework will be sent every Friday and should be returned every Wednesday.



Children are provided with a snack everyday. Snack money is £1 per week and should be paid on Monday in a bag or envelope with your child’s name on. Our snack timetable aims to not only support children’s diet requirements but also supports oral health/healthy teeth. This includes; toast, cheese & crackers, vegetable sticks & dip and breadsticks and raisins. Fruit, milk and water is available daily for our children.


Parent Information Pack

The Reception Information Pack for Parents is available to download here:

Reception Parent Information Pack


Useful Links

Here are some links and ideas you may find helpful for supporting your child’s work at home:


Communication and Language/Literacy:

Click here to meet and listen to a story teller.

Click here to try practising your phonics knowledge using these interactive games.

Click here for fun and exciting phonics games.



Click here to practise your doubles.

Click here to practise your counting, matching and ordering with this Gingerbread Man game.

Click here to practise sorting the bears clothing by size using your maths vocabulary.



Click here to meet Hector who keeps us safe online.

Click here to meet Smartie the Penguin.